Saturday, October 23, 2021

From blender to substance painter + texturizing


This is a step-by-step straight to the point of how to export a model created in blender, import in substance painter and texturize.

In Blender, I modeled a small medieval-style house. The modeling step-by-step I won't show you, because it's pretty basic. If you need the file, you can leave a comment here that I send it to you.


0) I'll assume you've finished modeling the house, and you have the file open in blender (in fact, it could be any other model): 

1) Objects will not be recognized by the name assigned in the blender. Substance painter (at least as of now 2021) recognizes objects by the material assigned to them.

  See the example below:

2) I don't recommend using the same material name for other objects that use the same material, it can generate UV errors.

But test at will. So in this step, choose each object and assign a material to it. Also, do the UV mapping correctly.

3) Assuming you have already generated the uv's of each object, assigned materials, let's export the file. 

Select all the objects you want to export:

4) Go to File --> Export --> FBX

5) Do as I did, follow the example, check the same options and choose a file name:


6) If you don't have substance painter installed, download a demo version. i'm assuming you have it:

7) See this window? Click on select...

8) ......Choose the file you've exported before:

9) After choosing the file, make the following change, then "OK":

10) The result is:

11) Follow the order: Click on (1) , then (2)

12) Use the same settings below:

13) Now click on "Bake selected textures" and wait.
The result is:


A) Follow the order:

(0) Click on Shelf
(1) Click on smart materials
(2) Choose a wood material, this case i've choose one that i've created. It does not material wich you choose. Drag it to the selected geometry. 
(3) As a result, geometry is now texturized.

B) Same thing as above, but with another material:

C) Final result (my case):

D) If you want to render the object:

E) Use the same options as I, if you want to save the image click on "save render":

F) My final result

G) If you want to export the textures:
(Follow the program's instructions)

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